Chargers vs Jets Odds, Prediction: NFL Monday Night Football Preview

Read on for odds, picks and predictions for the Monday Night Football game between the Los Angeles Chargers and New York Jets on Sunday, November 5, 2

Chargers vs. Jets Odds

[gamematchup league=”nfl” awaylogo=”” awayname=”Chargers” awayslug=”los-angeles-chargers” homelogo=”” homename=”Jets” homeslug=”new-york-jets” date=”Monday, Nov. 6″ time=”8:15 p.m. ET” network=”ESPN | ABC” col1text=”Spread” col2text=”Total” col3text=”Moneyline” col1awaytext=”+7″ col1awayline=”-110″ col1hometext=”-7″ col1homeline=”-110″ col2awaytext=”46.5″ col2hometext=”46.5″ col2awayline=”-110o / -110u” col2homeline=”-110o / -110u” col3awaytext=”+270″ col3hometext=”-350″ col3awayline=”” col3homeLine=”” bookname=”bet365″ bookthumbnaillogo=”” bookreviewslug=”bet365″][/gamematchup]



[subheader sizedown=”false” text=”Chargers vs. Jets” subtext=”Matchup Analysis” center=”false” logo1url=”” link1=”” link1follow=”false” logo2url=”” link2=”” link2follow=”false”][/subheader]

Toggle the dropdowns below to hide or show how the Chargers and Jets match up statistically:

Chargers vs. Jets DVOA Breakdown
Overall DVOA 8 15
Pass DVOA 16 4
Rush DVOA 17 29
Overall DVOA 18 25
Pass DVOA 29 17
Rush DVOA 4 16

“Matchup Analysis” discussion.

Bet Los Angeles vs. New York at FanDuel

[teamlogo linktoteampage=”false” league=”nfl” fullname=”Los Angeles Chargers” logo=”” width=”40″ height=”40″][/teamlogo]

Chargers +7

[teamlogo linktoteampage=”false” league=”nfl” fullname=”New York Jets” logo=”” width=”40″ height=”40″][/teamlogo]

Jets -7

Continue matchup discussion.


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